Anime is the Japanese version of cartoon. Even though people who love anime does not accept this reality. I also like anime and I know it' better that plain cartoon shows. Every anime gives a moral lesson or an inspiring message that we can carry through our lives. For example, the Naruto series. The main protagonist in this anime never gives up whatever obstacle he goes through. He turns anything people say to him as a motivation to do better that he does. Another is the Pokemon series. Although it doesn't clearly portrait it, I got the feeling that the anime wants to tell how important friends is and how we should treasure them at all times.
Another anime is the Ore Monogatari series. This anime is about a high school boy that is a size of a giant gorilla and how he fell in love in a small and kind girl. Even though he doesn't have the looks, the girl still fell in love with him. This anime showed that falling in love doesn't have to be based on the looks, but on the personality and how the person is willing to do anything just to show his love.
And lastly, the Tokyo Ghoul series. This anime is about a young boy who turned into a half-ghoul and how the world will accept his existence. This anime is tragic and has a lot of sad moments with it. The young boy struggles on which will he choose: to deny that he is a new being or to accept it and suffer the consequences. In the end, he chose to accept the reality just to protect his beloved friends from other ghouls and the government. This anime shows how your decision can affect the world. Be it good or evil.
Still, a lot of people hates anime. They're saying that it ruins the point of view of the people who watches it to the real world. I don't agree with that. Instead of doing some useless things that will only severe your humanity, I encourage you to watch anime. It's fun and stress relieving.
I agree with all of what you have just mentioned. Every anime has a message to you. Even though there are different kinds of ways you can accept it, the message in the anime has a strong meaning.